Jamming-based solutions have been increasingly popular in the effort to improve wireless network performance. By intentionally jamming the channel with a special signal, users can improve the efficiency of several operations involving wireless networks, especially when high performance is needed, such as contention resolution, quality of service support, and statistical estimation. Therefore, in this paper, wifi blocker is described, and positive applications of jam signals in such networks are identified.
A variety of areas are identified where jamming signals can be exploited to improve the performance of wireless networks and solve problems that may arise. In addition, we attempt to categorize wifi blocker through different protocols within some of these areas. Our proposal covers various approaches to efficiently performing operations and resolving problems in wireless networks through jamming.

Wireless networks and their applications are getting more attention and interest because they are available almost anywhere at any time and a reasonable price. We explain the challenges, requirements, advantages, and disadvantages of jamming. Due to this, research and industry are pushing wireless networks to deliver higher performance and quality of service.
Wireless networks face several challenges, such as resource allocation, which are addressed and improved by algorithms and protocols. Furthermore, new technologies, standards, and architectures are being introduced to help wireless networks reach higher data rates and provide advanced features that enhance user experience.
However, higher rates, new features, and different improvements suggested by research may be severely reduced by overhead sources that may severely reduce the gain. Overhead is the amount of bandwidth, energy, and time wasted when operating wireless networks, such as resolving contentions and sending control packets to exchange information among users.
The overhead becomes intolerable when mobile devices are present, high traffic loads are present, users behave badly, and the number of users is high. Finally, the overhead increases due to problems in wireless networks, such as hidden and exposed terminals. We describe jamming in this paper and identify positive uses for jamming signals. To improve the performance of wireless networks, jamming-based solutions have gained increasing popularity.